What is Lapiplasty®? Now available in our Massapequa podiatry practice, Lapiplasty® is a brand-new treatment option for painful bunions. The procedure uses innovative technology to remove the painful bump from your foot, while also correcting the reason the bunion formed in the first place, so that it doesn’t come back again after your procedure. 

What Causes Bunion Formation?  foot with bunion

Since Lapiplasty corrects bunions by addressing their root causes, it’s important to understand why these bony bumps form beneath your great toe joint. The problems begin when the bone in your big toe shifts inward toward its neighbors. That pushes the bone’s base outward beyond the natural profile of your foot. This causes symptoms such as: 

•    A bony bump
•    Pain, redness, or swelling around the joint
•    Restrictions on toe mobility 

But why does that bone in your toe start shifting? Often, the answer lies in your genetics: you may have inherited structural instabilities in your foot that allow movement to occur. However, in other cases, bunions may start to form after you suffer an injury or if you develop arthritis. And, in any of these cases, wearing high heels or pointy-toed shoes can speed up the bunion development process. Luckily, Lapiplasty can help resolve your symptoms and help ensure that bunions don’t return after their removal. 

Introducing Lapiplasty®: A Lasting Bunion Solution 

Lapiplasty® is a surgical bunion treatment that we believe is superior to other treatment options because it takes a three-dimensional approach:  

1.    It stops the metatarsal bone in your from leaning toward the neighboring toes. 
2.    It also addresses bone rotation, reducing pain and arthritis risks.
3.    It even stops the bone from arching upward, so it can also take pressure off your other toes.

By using this 3D approach, the surgery corrects your bunion deformity while stabilizing your joint, helping prevent the bone shifts from recurring following surgery. Plus, we perform Lapiplasty with a patented instrument designed for surgical accuracy; that means you need fewer and smaller incisions in your foot during the procedure. As a result, you also have an easier recovery period as compared to other forms of bunion surgery: you should be able to bear weight on your affected foot within days of your procedure, as opposed to almost the almost six-weeks you’d expect with tradition procedures. 

Still, you should expect to wear a walking boot for between six and eight weeks following Lapiplasty, as this will keep pressure off the bone as it recovers from surgery. Once you graduate from the walking boot, you can transition to supportive sneakers, resuming regular activities but avoiding high intensity exercise for at least four months.  

What is Lapiplasty®: a Better Alternative to Traditional Bunion Surgery

Lapiplasty® is the ideal bunion treatment because it restores your foot’s natural silhouette, removing that painful and unsightly bump. At the same time, it realigns your bones in three different dimensions, using a more accurate and less invasive approach that keeps bunions from returning, all while minimizing your pain and recovery period. Afterward, you should feel confident that your bunion problems will be permanently solved, even if you don’t wear custom orthotics following your procedure. 

What to Expect During Surgery

Dr. Mark Gasparini and Dr. Novneet Chhabra, your podiatrists in Nassau County, perform Lapiplasty® using specially-designed instruments; they are made to rotate your metatarsal bone into its correct position, straightened out your big toe naturally while removing symptoms such as the bony bump on your foot, as well as pain, swelling and mobility limits. 

Once your bone is back in in its proper position, we can implant specially designed plates that will provide permanent stability to your bone; this cutting-edge technology corrects the weaknesses that allowed a bunion to develop initially. And, thanks to that implant, you can bear weight on your foot within days of the surgery, avoiding a cumbersome cast and getting to walk around in a special protective boot. you should be able to bear weight with just a walking boot instead of a cast. 

Additionally, we can perform Lapiplasty® as an outpatient procedure, so you don’t have to worry about overnight hospital stays. In fact, the entire procedure is quick and precise, and that’s why you’re able to go home on the same day as your surgery to begin your recovery process. 

Is Lapiplasty® Painful?

Lapiplasty is performed under anesthesia, to eliminate any discomfort you might experience during your procedure. Afterward, your discomfort should be minimal, thanks to the specialized tools we use to perform your surgery and stabilize your joint. Even so, you should plan to rest your foot frequently in the first few days following your procedure. While we will provide you with personalized post-operative care instructions, expect to limit your activities and ice your foot regularly, in order to minimize pain and swelling. You will also likely be told to wiggle your toe gently, using our specific instructions, as this can help prevent formation of scar tissue. Finally, we will likely provide you with a prescription for medication to manage any discomfort, which you should take as prescribed following your procedure. 

What is Lapiplasty®? Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a permanent bunion solution, and you’re ready to get back into all your favorite shoes, this is the procedure for you. Today, you can reach out to our office to request a Lapiplasty® consultation! When you come in to see our podiatrists in Long Island, we can review your candidacy for this procedure and provide you with a customized bunion treatment plan.  

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